Background & Foundations of the Enneagram - 3 Videos

We explore the Enneagram as a reflective journey, its origins, & how it helps us grow, via the Awareness V Continuum model (Videos = 24 minutes)

Course Summary

This ancient psycho-spiritual model takes us on a reflective journey into our selves. In these three videos we reflect on the journey of discovery that the Enneagram invites us on, what the origins of the Enneagram may have been, and how it guides us into the essential work of tracking our level of awareness.

Course Curriculum

Scott McRae

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I’ve been a spiritual seeker since childhood. A spiritual thread has run through my life and led me to my current passion, which is to help people wake up to a life of  greater purpose, freedom, and service in the world. Based in Minneapolis, I’ve had hundreds of clients as a spiritual director, teach, and leadership coach through Sojourners Institute and the Spiritual Direction Learning Lab.

Since 2004, I’ve loved training spiritual directors and leading programs in spiritual development. I also provide  workshops, retreats, and leadership consultation focusing on spiritual growth and/or the Enneagram. 

When I’m not playing in these spiritual ventures, I am a chaplain educator for a health care organization.  Hobby-wise, I love to play jazz piano, read-read-read, knit a little, and walk dogs a lot.
What transpired in my earlier years?  Well, I grew up in Northfield, MN. I vowed never to be a pastor (in 9th  grade), and, as you would guess, became a pastor and campus minister.

I graduated from Augustana College, in Rock Island, IL, with religion and psychology majors, and then headed out to graduate school at Yale Divinity School. There I not only got my  Masters Degree, but, best of all, met Melanie. I hit the jackpot in New  Haven, CT! And, we have a lovely adult daughter, Ana, and a small pack of rescue dogs. 

Course Pricing

The Background & Foundations of the Enneagram

$35 USD

  • A 3-video course exploring the Enneagram background and who the model invites us on a powerful journey of reflection and awareness

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